Why Switching To Organic Landscaping Is Augmenting New South Wales's Gardens

Why Switching To Organic Landscaping Is Augmenting New South Wales’s Gardens

Throughout New South Wales there will be gardens of all shapes and sizes, with some having been created by professional landscape design companies and others which were not. For those designed and created by a landscaping company, there will doubtless be an array of plants and fixed features that make each landscaped garden in New South Wales unique.

What will also differ from garden to garden is whether or not the homeowners who own each garden have switched to using organic techniques and supplies. Building a landscaped garden with organic principles at the core can make it more visually appealing, healthier, and most importantly, sustainable over the longer term. If organic landscaping is something you would like to learn more about, please keep reading.

Organic Landscape Gardening Supplies

It is impossible to outline each organic gardening product, however, what we can do is highlight some of the key benefits of using natural supplies versus manufactured or synthetic ones. The first is that 100% natural products will always provide maximum benefit as their purity integrates perfectly with the plants growing in your landscaped garden.

In addition, given the huge array of different organic supplies that are available, it gives you maximum choice as to what to use in your garden. Finally, organic supplies normally come from renewable resources meaning you are helping to maintain the environment.

Healthier Soil

As the plants in your landscaped garden rely heavily on the soil they are in for their well-being, the healthier that soil is, the better. This is where having an organic garden helps enormously as the organic products you use to maintain your soil provide it with everything it needs to stay healthy.

First, the soil’s structure will be enhanced which will help with the plants’ root penetration and thus facilitate better nutrition and the plants’ ability to absorb moisture. If you use organic fertiliser you take this to an even better level as your garden’s plants are more readily able to absorb those nutrients. Healthier soil will also have a higher quantity of microbes which help to aerate that soil which further boosts nutrition.

7 Tips For Protecting Your Landscaped Garden From Extreme Heat

7 Tips For Protecting Your Landscaped Garden From Extreme Heat

As landscapers, there are many things we can do for you to make and keep your landscaped garden looking at its best. However, one power we do not have is being able to control the weather. Much as it would make our lives, and those of our clients, easier, we have to leave how hot it gets in the hands of Mother Nature, although given the focus on climate change and global warming, it would seem the human race is also beginning to influence how hot it gets.

Unfortunately, for much of the plant life that might be growing in your landscaped garden, extreme temperatures, especially for prolonged periods, are not conducive to them thriving. We might include in a landscape design many plants that are native to the area and thus are more attuned to a warmer climate. However, that does not mean they should not be given some protection from consistent extreme heat.

Thankfully, there are many ways that you can protect the plant life in your landscaped garden, and if you read on, you will discover seven of our top tips, which we provide to all our clients if they are concerned about the high temperatures in their local area being a problem.

Install Shade Cloths

Just as animals and us humans will head for shade in baking hot sunshine, that same principle applies to your plants, although, unfortunately, they cannot move, so they rely on you. You can create shade for your most sensitive plants using anything you like. However, the best solution is shade cloths or sail shades, which can be placed throughout your garden.

Add Organic Matter To Your Soil

In hot temperatures, water evaporation is an issue, so you want to help maximise the water that remains within the soil that reaches roots. One way this can be achieved is by adding organic matter to the soil. Compost and even manure can be used, which act like sponges so more moisture is retained within the soil rather than evaporating due to heat.

7 Factors That Will Influence How Long A Landscaping Project Takes For Completion

7 Factors That Will Influence How Long A Landscaping Project Takes For Completion

Whenever you embark upon a landscape design project for your garden, numerous variables come into play. Notwithstanding the many choices you have to make about features and foliage you want to include, there is also the task of choosing a landscaping company to create the landscape design and then construct it, plus there is your budget to consider.

Another important variable is the amount of time it is going to take from the moment you decide to proceed until the entire project is completed. This time must be factored into your planning as it will impact your home, as well as potentially affect your neighbours too given that construction vehicles and machinery might be required, and this could cause some degree of disruption.

Within the time variable, individual factors can all influence how long a landscaping project takes to complete. In this article, we are going to examine seven of these time factors which will dictate how much time your landscaping will require.

Time Factor #1 – Size Of The Garden

The most obvious factor that will influence the time taken to complete a landscaping project is the size of the garden or the area which is being landscaped. For instance, a larger plot is likely to have more landscaping elements, will require more construction work, and even the simple fact that it will take longer to circumnavigate around the plot each day all contribute to making a larger landscape design a longer project than one which takes place within a tiny garden.

Time Factor #2 – Number Of Requested Features And Plants

This is one of the rare instances where you may find a smaller garden taking longer than a larger garden. The reason is if the small garden’s landscape design calls for a far greater number of landscaping features including plants, than a large garden, then it follows that the completion of the former may require more time due to the cumulative effect of installing each item.

landscaping drainage

Landscaping Drainage Problems And How To Resolve Them

One of the most destructive things to befall any landscaping is flooding. Whether the flooding is caused by days of continuous torrential rain, waters from a nearby source such as a river or lake busting their banks, or closer to home, a burst pipe or water main, the potential destruction of much of your landscaped garden is a real possibility.

Water is something that can be a double-edged sword for gardens. Gardens could not survive if they did not get enough water, and yet, if there is too much of it and the garden floods, then the opposite can be the result and the garden and most of the things that grow in it can meet their demise.

Thankfully, not every encounter with water is as destructive as those which we have just outlined. Normal rainfall, or when you are watering your garden are occasions when your garden will be thankful for water. However, even these seemingly positive interactions with water can lead to issues, especially with lawns and plant beds. If the drainage within your garden does not function as it should you must take steps to rectify this situation.

Problems Caused By Poor Drainage

  • Flooding: We have already discussed how flooding can occur, but it is the damage it can do which should attract the most attention. Although destroying plants within your garden is bad enough, severe flooding can weaken the foundations of your property and seep into your home causing even more destruction to flooring and carpets, for example.
  • Standing Water: This harms your garden in several ways. It can effectively drown plants, flowers, and vegetables, it makes walkways slippery and dangerous, and it acts as a breeding ground for fungus, mould, bugs, and other pests which simply add to the destructive forces caused by the excess water in your garden.
  • Erosion: Poor drainage and excess water in your garden, including flooding, can negatively impact the soil within it. The water can cause soil to be washed away, it can move it a considerable distance from where it should be, and in doing so, it can create imbalances in the soil structures and depths with your landscape design.

5 Key Considerations When Planning Landscaping For Around Your Pool

5 Key Considerations When Planning Landscaping For Around Your Pool

If you are fortunate to have a garden large enough for a pool, and you plan to have new landscaping installed in that garden, then you have the best of both worlds. Firstly, having a pool allows you to not only keep fit and have fun, but a pool is also an ideal centrepiece for gatherings of friends and family.

In addition to that, if you also add professional landscaping into the mix, the result should be a garden with a pool area that makes others envious and gives you and your family lots of pleasure. It is on that note of combining a pool and landscaping that we alert you to the subject of this article because you must get the combination correct.

By that, we are referring to you knowing that, when you are planning your landscape design and the pool plays a role in that design, there are factors that you need to consider that you would not have to if your garden did not have a pool. This should not be seen as a negative as all this is doing is making sure that your landscaping both functions and appears as it should in a pool environment.

To help you get this right, we have highlighted five of the top considerations you must make when combining landscaping and a pool so that both complement each other whilst you also benefit from them having their individual merits.

Key Consideration #1 – Fast Or Slow Growing Plants Around The Pool?

One of the decisions that will make a significant difference to how much foliage you want around your pool area is whether you wish to use that foliage as screening. If the latter,  then you will want quick-growing plants that will quickly provide the aforementioned screening.

However, if the idea is for decorative plants and you are happy to wait for them to mature and bloom, then slow-growing varieties might be more suited to your needs. If you are unsure which plants fall into these two categories your landscaper will be able to advise you.

Properly Assess Soil Options

How To Properly Assess Soil Options For Your Landscaping

When many people think of landscaping their minds will conjure up images of beautifully manicured lawns, unique garden ornaments, stunning displays of plants and flowers, not to mention water features including swimming pools in larger gardens.

Whilst all of these are highly desirable and get included in many landscape designs, there is one element of every landscape project which barely gets a mention, or at least it does not when those creating the garden are not professionals. We are referring to soil, and as it is the basis for everything that grows in a landscaped garden, it is shocking that in many cases it does not get more attention than it should.

We mentioned non-professional landscapers, and although we do not doubt their willingness to do a good job, it stands to reason that their knowledge and experience of landscaping and in particular soils will not be at the same high level as professional landscaping companies.

The potential problem that can create is that, without knowing soil types, their nutritional levels, and what vegetation, flowers, and trees are more suited to specific soils than others, there is a risk that the completed garden and what grows in it will not flourish.

This brings us to a key choice that every homeowner must make concerning a landscape design, and that is what soils will be most suited to it. It may even be, that in larger gardens, and with the option of having many different plants, more than one choice of soil has to be made.

Although we could not possibly teach you everything there is to know about soils for landscaping in a single article, what we can do is give you some core advice as to what you should consider when assessing soil.

What To Consider When Choosing Soil For A Landscaped Garden

The simple fact is, there are several points you must consider when choosing soils for your landscaping. Remember, unless your garden is extremely small, if you are going to have a variety of plants then you may need to choose two or more different soils based on what you plan to grow.

For most soils, you need to consider their characteristics which come under three different properties, namely physical, biological, and chemical. Let us look at each of these in more detail.

Bring in the Landscaping Sydney Experts

How to Know it’s Time to Bring in the Experts

Australians are quite proud of their DIY attitude. They like to visit hardware stores for fun and get stuck into projects on their weekends. Still, when it comes to landscaping, you might like to give your household’s DIYer a break. There may come a time when it’s best to bring in the experts.

Your Landscape Looks Overgrown

One of the most obvious signs that you need to call a landscaping team is the jungle that seems to have appeared almost overnight! If your trees and shrubs are looking unruly, and you’re not sure how to knock them back into shape, then a landscaper can be the answer.

Not only do they have all the best tools for the job, but the knowledge, as well. They understand what time of the year is best to prune trees, and what parts are best left untouched. You may not have this knowledge yourself and can end up doing more harm than good.

Your Neighbours are Complaining

Life gets busy, especially as you try to strike a balance between work and home life. So, it’s not uncommon for our landscapes to get away from us. Whether you’ve missed a few too many weeks behind the lawnmower, or your street appeal is no longer at its best, it’s crucial to call in landscaping experts.

While everyone tries to get along with their neighbours, that can be hard when you’re not impressed with their property upkeep. It only takes one imperfectly kept property to bring down an entire neighbourhood. Don’t let it be yours!

Professional Landscaper in Sydney

How to Welcome Wildlife into Your Garden

Loss of wildlife habitat is happening at an alarming rate in Australia due to deforestation and tree-clearing. As a result, all manner of creatures are venturing into urban areas to find some semblance of home. Is your yard set up to cater to birds, reptiles, and mammals? Here’s how you can ensure your landscaping is up to scratch for those creatures who need it.

Choose Plants for Protection

If you have been thinking about changing your property’s plant variety, then consider those native trees, shrubs, and ground cover plants that protect reptiles and small birds. Pair large trees and plants with small, dense shrubs, and even grasses, that animals can use for shelter and shade.

Plants for Food

Possums, flying foxes, and other small mammals are finding it harder and harder to get the nourishment they need. If you don’t mind welcoming wildlife into your property, then there are specific plants you can include in your landscaping to encourage them. Lemon and eucalyptus-scented gums and plants with nectar and pollen can be a great option to begin.

Install a Pond

Aside from having some surprising mental health benefits, a pond or water feature of some kind can be a welcome addition for encouraging wildlife. When positioned in a sheltered spot, it can be a source of water for birds as well as somewhere for frogs to live. Talk to your local landscaping expert about the best type of ponds to match your property style.

Smooth Landscaping Process

Top Tips for Ensuring a Smooth Landscaping Process

If you’ve never had experience with landscaping before, it can be a complicated and confusing process. Although most professional contractors will take care of most things for you, you will still have to be involved in the overall process. And this can be stressful if you’re not careful.

Things can go wrong, and costs can rise well above your budget. In fact, a poorly planned and executed landscaping project can cause all sorts of problems, regardless of your intentions. Because of this, we’ve put together the following list of top tips to ensure a smooth landscaping process. Enjoy and good luck!

  1. Choose Your Landscaper Carefully

The first thing you should do is spend a little time choosing the right landscaping contractor. Although there are numerous options in most major cities across Australia, not all of them are equal. Consider:

  • Their professional experience and the amount of time they’ve been in the industry.
  • Their reputation, which you can gauge by looking at online reviews.
  • Their prices, which you can compare by asking for an initial quote.
  • Their friendliness, because ultimately you’re going to be working alongside them for some time if you’re completing a large landscaping project.

In the end, you want to choose a friendly, yet professional landscaper who knows what they’re doing and who has a great reputation.

Eco-Friendly Landscaping Materials

Three Reasons to Use Eco-Friendly Landscaping Materials

If you’re thinking about re-developing your gardens in the coming months, you will need to spend a decent amount of time planning the work. It’s a good idea to speak with both a landscape designer and a professional landscaping team ahead of time to ensure they know exactly what you want to achieve.

It’s also a good idea to spend some time thinking about the design you’re looking for and how you’re going to achieve it in your backyard. There are numerous different materials you could be using, but we always recommend going for the eco-friendly choice.

And here are three reasons why:

  1. Eco-friendly Materials Won’t Leach Chemicals

Although you might not realise it, many plastic and other landscaping and building materials are actually manufactured using some pretty nasty chemicals. Over time, these chemicals can leach into your soil, effectively poisoning your garden and affecting the health of the people and animals who use it.

Fortunately, there are plenty of chemical-free alternatives, and the selection is rapidly growing as “green” landscaping becomes more popular. Materials such as wood, concrete and stone are all quite eco-friendly and are much better choices than plastics and other synthetic materials.

  1. Using an Eco-friendly Design is Good for the Environment

Okay, so this is probably pretty self-explanatory, but we’re going to have a quick look at it anyway. Basically, eco-friendly landscaping materials are much more environmentally friendly than their synthetic alternatives, but why?